'Stood up and stood out:’ 阿宾顿 students earn academic, leadership honors

Three people in front of a stage

Student 丹尼尔·加西亚·卡劳, center, 从临时校长安德鲁·奥古斯特那里获得了威尼斯人娱乐信誉平台咨询委员会影响力奖, 左, 和马文·约翰逊, 正确的, a member of the campus advisory board and a retired pharmaceutical executive.


阿宾顿,爸爸. — 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 在上周举行的校园年度颁奖典礼上表彰了成绩优异的学生,标志着春季学期的结束.  

安德鲁8月, the interim chancellor, 赞扬了100多名学生,他们利用自己的天赋,在面对挑战时坚持不懈. 

“你们杰出的学术工作和领导力丰富了我们的校园和社区. You stood up and stood out. 我想让你思考一下如何运用你的能力,让你所在的世界变得更美好,他说. 


宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 Advisory Board Impact Award 

董事会成员、已退休的制药公司高管马文•约翰逊(Marvin Johnson)将影响力奖颁给了 丹尼尔·加西亚·卡劳, the 2024 Ardeth and Norman Frisbey International Student Award winner. 他作为阿宾顿和整个大学的导师和领导者,获得了顾问委员会的荣誉, including in the Peer Action Global Learning Network, the Office of 全球项目, First-Year Experience, the Latine Student Organization and the Student Government Association.

Garcia Calao’s nominator said, 他的热情在于打破跨文化误解和不愿学习所造成的障碍 ... 通过他在社区中所做的工作,不断地学习自己并教育他人.” 

埃里克一. 和约瑟芬S. 沃克奖 

凯莉·拜尔斯,a psychological and social sciences 主要的, earned the prestigious Walker award, 该奖项旨在表彰那些优秀的学生,他们的优秀品质已经被引导到对学生产生积极影响的项目和服务中,并为校园的声望和福祉以及大学的整体声誉做出了贡献. 

Byers is a peer counselor in Counseling and Psychological Services 还有一位同行顾问 Career and Professional Development 办公室. As the president of the Student Government Association, 一位提名人说,她“以一种成熟而聪明的方式应对了倡导我们的多样性和她的同学的挑战,这是我很少在专业同事身上看到的。.”  

She also works with faculty on two different undergraduate research projects in which she was involved in the data collection and data analysis. 她的提名者表示,她“因其领导能力、责任感和主动性而脱颖而出”. Her dedication and efforts in research ...  showcase strong qualities of both scholarship and leadership.” 

Exemplary Leadership Awards


  • Madisyn Brandt,和 information technology 主要的, serves in leadership roles in the Nature Club, the Queer Student Alliance, the Student Office of 多样性 Equity and Inclusion. 她曾代表残疾学生出席会议和倡导活动. Brandt’s nominators said, “She provides support for several communities on campus, specifically focusing on women of color and LGBTQ+ identifying students. 她是一位倡导DEI问题的领导者,她对这些问题充满热情,并影响着其他学生. 她是一股不可忽视的力量,我们期待她做出更多令人惊叹的事情.” 

  • 丹尼尔·加西亚·卡劳, 金融专业, 在许多办公室工作(见上文的影响奖),并在学生发起的费用委员会工作,并担任国际学生欢迎负责人. 他的提名人说, “Daniel has made an incredible impact at 阿宾顿. 他思想丰富,能与人合作,高效地为校园带来积极的变化. His advocacy comes from a selfless place to improve his community and surroundings; Daniel looks at the whole picture to make improvements for all members of the campus community.” 

  • Brett Duffey, a business 主要的, is president of the 阿宾顿 Business Leaders, 成功网络的通讯总监和学生会的参议员. 他的提名人说, “He takes his personal time to conduct outreach, coordinate and facilitate the 阿宾顿 Business Leaders. 布雷特还在研讨会上与职业和专业发展部门合作, networking and panel events. 他明白帮助学生接触职场的重要性.” 

  • Max Duverneuil, a cybersecurity analytics and operations 主要的, works in the campus library, serves as a cybersecurity lab technician, and belongs to the Cybersecurity Club. 他参加了全球参与领导经验,帮助打包并分发了400多磅的急救用品和学校用品给希腊的难民诊所和学校. Duverneuil initiated a U.S. 国家科学基金会资助机会搜索,以提高本科生在阿宾顿的经验. 他的一位提名人说,他“平易近人,热情好客,乐于分享解决计算机问题的信息和资源,并寻找有用的文章和项目。.” 

  • 泰勒·拉佩奇,a psychological and social sciences 主要的 and multi-sport athlete, 担任学生运动员咨询委员会主席,并协调该小组的工作 community service and leadership activities to benefit communities on and off campus. She attended the 2024 NCAA Convention as a representative of athletes from the United East Conference. LaPage’s nominator said, “她的领导, 对社区服务的热情和球场内外的职业道德是大多数学生无法比拟的.” 

  • Lleyhan徐, a project and supply chain management 主要的, 曾担任同伴行动全球学习网络和国际学生欢迎负责人和同伴导师. He is the director of education equity in the Student Government Association, and he is a fellow in the Brandeis Global Engagement and Leadership program. A student Tsui mentored said, “每次我不知道去哪里找信息,或者只是指导我该怎么做, he was always there to help me. 他在课堂外帮助我,告诉我如何有效地利用时间,告诉我什么该做,什么不该做,以获得更好的体验.” 


  • Ninety-one students earned the 沃克奖 for achieving a 4.0 grade point average in their first semester. 

  • Sixteen students received the Sparks Award for maintaining a 4.0 cumulative grade point average at the end of their third semester. 

  • 15名大三和大四学生获得了埃文·皮尤学者奖.5% of their classes at the end of their fifth semester and beyond. 

阿宾顿 荣誉项目 

Twenty 阿宾顿 students successfully completed the 荣誉项目 通过保持3.在四个学期的课程中,包括严格的荣誉课程,累计平均绩点为3分. 

About 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 

宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 provides an affordable, 无障碍和高影响力的教育导致多元化学生群体的成功. 它致力于通过创新的方法在世界一流的研究型大学内实现21世纪公立高等教育的学生成功. 有3个以上,100名学生, 威尼斯人娱乐信誉平台分校是一所住宿校园,提供25个专业的学士学位, accelerated master's degrees, undergraduate research, the Schreyer Honors College, NCAA Division III athletics and more. 
